Monday 24 November 2014

Still Here!

My apologies to the one or two people who may have been waiting for an update! It's been a hectic, draining couple of months due in part to a move intestate.

We will have gone broadband up and running shortly, freeing me from the shackles of my smartphone. At that point I'll provide a full update.

For now though, I can let you know that since moving from Brisbane to Canberra I have seen a GP here that I've seen previously. They have given me provisional assurance that they would be willing to read over the material associated with my treatment and, provided it does no harm, they would be willing to participate in the treatment itself. This is (provisionally) great news and a source of no small relief. Seriously good news that has removed some anxiety for us. Anyone with Meniere's can tell you that anxiety is the enemy but is so often knocking at your door.

Doc has the material now, so we now wait for her to hopefully give the green light and we can get going with blood tests. First time in my life I've looked forward to a blood test, that's for sure.

I remain incredibly grateful for the support so many gave us via gofundme and will do my best to let you know of any progress over the weeks and months to come.

Have a great week and be well.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jason, sorry for not replying earlier.

    Will try to keep the updates coming.

